Remote Audio Controllers


The Jupiter remote audio controllers are designed for operation with either a Jupiter control panel, a multi-function display (such as an EFIS) or wirelessly from a Bluetooth-enabled smart device.


Control Panel with RX Volume Controls

Individual receive volume controls

Transceivers: up to 6

Receivers: up to 5

Reduced depth behind the panel

Legends removable

NVG compatible option

Contact JAC for TSO status


Reduced Depth Control Panel

Transceivers: up to 6

Receivers: up to 5

Reduced depth behind the panel

Legends removable

NVG compatible removable legends and annunciators

Approvals: TC CAN-TSO-C139


Control Panel with RX Volume Controls - NVG

Individual receive volume controls

Transceivers: up to 6

Receivers: up to 5

Reduced depth behind the panel

Legends removable

NVG compatible

Contact JAC for TSO status


Remote Audio Controller

Headsets: 7

Output 100mW into 600 ohm phones

Transceivers: up to 6

Receivers: up to 5

Individual volume controls for transceivers

Power : 14 to 28Vdc

Approvals: TC CAN-TSO-C139


Remote Audio Controller

- Discrete COM Select & TX PTT

Headsets: 7

Output 100mW into 600 ohm phones

Transceivers: up to 6

Receivers: up to 5

Individual volume controls for transceivers

Power : 14 to 28Vdc

Discrete COM1 & COM2 Select & TX PTT Keylines for Crew

Contact JAC for TSO status


Remote Audio Controller - Dual ICS Input

Headsets: 7

Output 100mW into 600 ohm phones

Transceivers: up to 6

Receivers: up to 5

Individual volume controls for transceivers

Power : 14 to 28Vdc

Approvals: TC CAN-TSO-C139